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I heard that your life was given by the air conditioner? Sorry, these

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I heard that your life was given by the air conditioner? Sorry, these

Date of issue:2020-02-21 00:00 Source:http://www.sh-yyjz.com Click:

Air-conditioning maintenance companies feel that many people refer to common discomforts in air-conditioned rooms as "air-conditioning disease". In fact, there is no medical diagnosis of "air-conditioning disease". "Air conditioning disease" is not a disease, but these types of physical discomfort are indeed caused by air conditioning.

The air conditioner blows out dirty air. The air conditioner that has not been cleaned for a long time may have a large amount of tiny dust and dust mites attached to the filter. Once it starts to work, it will be blown into the room with the cold wind. Inhaling such "dirty air" for a long time can easily cause diseases such as allergic rhinitis and pneumonia. Dust, dust mites, bacteria, etc. in the air may also cause skin allergies.

Invasion of cold air induces pain

Factors such as temperature and humidity are all related to the onset of joint pain. In the high temperature state, blood vessels and sweat glands expand, and the metabolism of muscles and fascia is vigorous; when entering the room at this time, sudden cold will cause sudden contraction of blood vessels, local tissue metabolism disorder, muscle and fascia spasm, showing soreness, stiffness, and May induce previous inflammation, such as arthritis. In addition, "cold air" is also one of the common allergens. Cold air can stimulate the peripheral nerves in the nasal mucosa, causing rapid contraction and relaxation of the nasal mucosa, increased secretion of the nasal glands, and symptoms such as runny nose and sneezing.



Dry air induces dry eyes

During the cooling process, the air conditioner will not exchange air with the outside world. As the air conditioner operates, it will also "pump away" the moisture in the air, making the air more and more drier. Dry air may suck moisture from the eyes like a sponge; when the air conditioner is turned on, the doors and windows are closed tightly, and the indoor air will gradually become dirty. These two factors can cause dry eyes and discomfort, and can even induce dry eyes in severe cases. In addition, staying in a dry air-conditioned room for too long can easily cause problems such as dry mouth, dry skin, and nosebleeds.

The large temperature difference between indoor and outdoor harms cardiovascular disease

If the temperature of the air conditioner is set too low, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is too large, which is very detrimental to cardiovascular patients. The low temperature environment will stimulate the body, constrict blood vessels, increase the burden on the patient's heart, and induce cardiovascular disease. If the air-conditioned room is not ventilated for a long time, the oxygen content may decrease, which may aggravate the degree of myocardial ischemia and hypoxia in patients with coronary heart disease, resulting in chest tightness, dizziness, angina and other symptoms. Shanghai Decoration Design believes that for a long time in an air-conditioned room with a lower temperature, suddenly going outside with a higher temperature, the human body's "body temperature center" may not be able to respond, and it is more likely to be heatstroke.

Related labels:暖通设计,中央空调工程,上海中央空调工程

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Contact: Qian Lisheng

Mobile phone: 13761167936

Telephone: 021-61637237

Mailbox: zbhqls@163.com

Address: No. 27, Lane 5288, Hunan Road, Hangtou Town, Pudong New Area, Shanghai

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